About Manufacturers

Manufacturer Keypad image Manufacturers listed on RepsForSecurity comprise a data base of approximately 1100 companies representing 125 different product areas. Not all manufacturers listed use Manufacturers’ Representatives to sell their products. However, searching by Product Area will produce a strong list of companies offering products in the selected area, along with web links and Feature Page links for Featured companies. Please contact info@RepsForSecurity.com with suggestions on potential companies or product areas..

Security Industry Association

SIA Logo

The Security Industry Association (www.siaonline.org) is the leading trade group for businesses in the electronic and physical security market. SIA protects and advances its members' interests by advocating pro-industry policies and legislation on Capitol Hill and throughout the 50 states; producing cutting-edge global market research; creating open industry standards that enable integration; advancing industry professionalism through education and training; opening global market opportunities; and providing sole sponsorship of the ISC Expos, the world's largest security trade shows and conferences. SIA members are identified by a SIA logo in their listing.

What are Feature Pages?

Panduit Feature Page Feature Pages are an innovative element of RepsForSecurity.com. Working in conjunction with this site's online vendor search capability, these pages form a type of "mini web-site" that arranges content in a standard format and links back to the manufacturer’s main site. Why is this significant? Mainly, the content displayed is that which manufacturers deem to be of primary importance to system designers. By arranging this content in a standard, yet customizable format, information may be found more quickly and easily across multiple vendor sites.