Company Overview

Boon Edam is a global manufacturer of entrance solutions, including safe and energy efficient revolving doors, high security doors & portals; tripod, full height & optical turnstiles; and access gates. Our 140 years of success can be attributed to quality design & providing unsurpassed service, support and training to our customers & resellers.

We are focused on providing an optimal, sustainable experience for our clients and their clients. By working together with you, our client, we help determine the exact requirements for the entry point in and around your building.

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Corporate Headquarters

Corporate Headquarters Logo

Corporate headquarters require a variety of solutions at their entrances and exits to ensure that the only people entering the building are those who are supposed to be there. Security of leased properties, single-firm buildings, and company campuses can all benefit from security entrances to help keep employees safe and properly accounted for.
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Government Logo

Government facilities, which comprise more than 3 billion square feet of owned or leased building space in 900,000 buildings across the country, perform a wide range of functions. In addition to housing offices, the space is often used for conferences and debates, voting, and legislative meetings. The facilities are also home to high-level authorities, physical assets of national and historical importance and vast stores of sensitive data.
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Manufacturing Logo

Factories, refineries, shipping distribution centers and other industrial applications don't have quite the exposure to the public that many other organizations do, but security still has a primary responsibility to protect employees, visitors and assets, and to control access.
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Recreation/Amusement Logo

Amusement parks exist to create a positive atmosphere for customers looking for a get-away to have fun and enjoy time with friends and family. Each year, millions of visitors enter amusement park gates, looking to experience the best roller coasters, family rides, water slides, concerts, and more. Security teams at recreation facilities and amusement parks must deal with large crowds, hot temperatures, and, potentially, criminals who increasingly target densely populated areas where an attack can have the greatest impact. Security personnel must remain constantly vigilant for physical security threats to guests, staff, and facilities. Key to creating a secure amusement park is using an entrance and exit security solution to cope with high visitor flow while controlling access for different staff profiles.
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Critical Infrastructure

Critical Infrastructure Logo

Critical infrastructure facilities like power plants and ports are often very large and have open configurations that may include a campus of buildings and outdoor areas. Typically there is a significant amount of highly technical, expensive and hazardous machinery on the site, creating a mandate of accountability which requires that only credentialed employees and visitors be allowed into any part of the facility. One way to facilitate the high level of security needed it to create a layered security solution at the perimeter to prevent vehicle and pedestrian ingress. Full height turnstiles can comprise one layer of security to help ensure that the only place a person is able to enter a facility is somewhere they are being checked for proper credentials.
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Data Centers

Data Centers Logo

The servers which reside in data centers contain all of an organization's information, files, and other critical data, so it's of vital importance to protect these locations from hacking and other breaches attempting to steal or corrupt this data. Data centers often have few employees, which means that when it comes to access control, efficiency and speed are not as important as maintaining the strictest levels of security.
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Education Logo

Today's universities face many challenges related to facility operations and security. College campuses are located in urban and remote locations and are generally open to the public, especially in common areas. At least 25% of the student population changes every fall as new freshman come on board. This requires a recurring orientation program that teaches students about campus navigation, safe conduct, and how they can personally help save energy - be good, overall stewards of their campus. Campus security is responsible for ensuring the safety of faculty and staff who are both in close quarters, like residence halls and classrooms, as well as spread out among large areas, like athletic stadiums and quads. Every physical building on a campus has high-value assets and differing layouts.
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Public Transportation

Public Transportation Logo

Securing mass transportation, including subways, railways, commuter trains and airplanes, presents many challenges, including a large number of people, a constantly changing population of passengers, and hundreds of entry and exit points. Mass transit agencies require rugged and durable barrier solutions that can handle those challenges, while requiring minimal maintenance. In many cases, the right solution is waist-high tripod turnstiles or full height turnstiles and gates that are constructed of steel. Agencies wanting a more aesthetically pleasing solution can implement optical turnstiles with a glass sliding panel or other resilient material.
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